4 women, 4 cousins, 4 tailors, 1 family

4 women, 4 cousins, 4 tailors
1 family

Lots of successful businesses started as a kid’s dream, inside a garage, and so it has been for Mamac: Antonella, Rita, Anna, Mara, 4 dressmakers who followed their passions since they were young, when they started working at home using mom’s sewing machine.


4 women, 4 cousins
4 tailors, 1 family

Lots of successful businesses started as a kid’s dream, inside a garage, and so it has been for Mamac: Antonella, Rita, Anna, Mara, 4 dressmakers who followed their passions since they were young, when they started working at home using mom’s sewing machine.

Molte società di successo, uomini e donne importanti che oggi stanno lasciando un segno riuscendo ad emergere nel mondo del lavoro, hanno iniziato a coltivare il loro sogno da ragazzi nel garage di casa.

Così è stato anche per Mamac. Antonella, Rita, Anna, Mara, 4 sarte che hanno seguito le loro passioni fin da ragazze, iniziando in una stanza di casa con le forbici e la macchina da cucire della mamma.


Mamac obtained two important certifications, the Social Accountability International Standard (SA 8000: 2001) and the iso 9001 quality management system certification.


Mamac Tailor with its skilled dressmakers bring on a glorious tradition made of knowledge and passion.


We realize high-end couture garments and our products have been worn by lots of celebrities

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